Join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ.

Christmas Eve Worship Schedule

All services are candlelight and will serve Communion.

Video overflow seating is available for each service via the Dining Hall as needed.

The 4 p.m. service will be livestreamed via Facebook and on

There will be no nursery on Christmas Eve. We encourage children to attend Christmas Eve services with you.

There will be special music 15 minutes prior to the start of the traditional services.

  • 4 p.m. Contemporary in Fellowship Hall

Carols and candlelit worship/glow sticks for kids.

  • 5 p.m. The 51st Lovefeast in the Sanctuary

In the candlelit style of the Moravian Lovefeast. Special Music by the chancel choir and soloists accompanied by chamber orchestra and organ. Lovefeast buns and cider will be served during the service. Doors open at 4:30 p.m.

  • 11 p.m. Traditional in the Sanctuary

A Festival Service with sung carols. A Christmas message by Dr. Jeff Patterson will be followed by Holy Communion and the lighting of candles. Join us as we carry our light out into the world and sing, under the stars: Joy to the World!