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Wesley Women

Wesley Women Missions

  • Angel Tree Circle will continue having the angel tree. Angels are chosen from the tree with requests from children whose parents are incarcerated. The circle hosts a party for the children in December and presents the children with gifts.
  • Circle 6 hosts community blood drives and helps with Open Door Ministries and Father’s Table.
  • Circle 8 is very active to fill various needs as they arise during the year.
  • All the circles contribute to help with our biggest fundraiser, The Christmas Bazaar, which is held in November. Martha Jobe lines up about 75 vendors for the event. Glenda Miller organizes a bake sale. Judy Hustrulid organizes a general store. Carol Young organizes a silent auction. Kari Craig, Susan Sumpter and Bonnie Horney organize the Café. Barbara Stroud takes care of publicity for the bazaar. It is always well attended and the Wesley Men help with the parking. In past years, we usually raise enough that we can share about $15,000 with our church and several non-profits.
  • We have given to Wesley Memorial School, Wesley Memorial Youth, Wesley Men, Community Clinic, Mobile Meals, Open Door Ministry, Open Door Food Pantry, Leslie’s House, Feeding Lisa’s Kids, West End Ministries Food Pantry, Macedonia Family Resource Center, Macedonia Food Pantry, LEAP, Mental Health, High Point Jail Ministry, Helping Hands and the Good Shepherd Fund.

Wesley Women Leadership:

President: Lucille Duncan; Secretary: Glenda Miller; Treasurer: Rita Meredith; Communications: Judy Hustrulid; Committee Members: Patricia Nash, Betsy Hodge, Joyce Stephens, Carol Hutchins, Carol Young and Jane Harriss.

We welcome other ladies to join us.

Date to Remember:

Saturday, Nov. 19—Christmas Bazaar—please contribute items for the general store, silent auction and bake sale items. We need volunteers for all the components and we need you to come and shop.