Wesley 100

The Wesley 100 is Wesley Memorial’s Methodist men’s group.

The Wesley 100 is Wesley Memorial’s Methodist men’s group. Our goal is to offer the men of the church a place to be the hands and feet of Christ and help Wesley Memorial’s mission of making Disciples of Christ.

Our name comes from a quote by John Wesley: “Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or layman, they alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth.”

The bible verse we chose for the Wesley 100 is Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” We are here to do God’s work, to further the missions of the church and to help and encourage each other in our walks in Christ. While our name contains the number 100, we are really the faithful 15-20, so we have a lot of room for more men. We need you!

Over the past years these men have raised and distributed tens of thousands of dollars to support the ministries and missions of the church, both local, national, and global. We have also contributed our time and labor in support of many church events and missions.

A List of The Wesley 100 Accomplishments for 2023

  • We sent a $1,000 monetary donation to Victory junction- in memory of Jordon Washburn.
  • We annually fund the scholarships for two students at the Wesley School in Nakuru Kenya.
  • We host a Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner each year to kick off Lent.
  • We cooked the dinners for the High Point Central Hall of Fame dinner on February 9th. This was a fund-raising event for our group.
  • We helped direct traffic and park cars at various church events: the Women’s Rummage Sale, the Christmas Bazaar, the Lifting Up Educators Sunday, the youth Fall Trail, the drive-in movies, etc.
  • The Wesley 100 cooked the 500 dinners for the youth Chicken Feed fund raiser on May 10th.
  • We made a $1,000 donation to the Hinton Rural Life Center for them to purchase wood splitter. They give wood to needy families to help heat their homes during the winter.
  • We cooked and served 700 hot dogs, as well as helping direct the parking lot traffic at the church community event Cruise-In on June 10th.
  • We had several men cook the dinners for Vacation Bible School July 16th-20th.
  • We gave a $250 donation to David Caudell to help with expenses on his mission trip to Lithuania.
  • The Wesley 100 cooked and helped serve 500 hot dog dinners at the Fairview Elementary School Open House on August 24th.
  • We help prepare, serve, and clean up at all the Wednesday night dinners.
  • We made a $1,000 donation to the Wesley School to help sponsor in-need students.
  • The Wesley 100 cooked the chicken (1,200 pieces) for the Macedonia Soul of the Community fund raiser held at the church on September 29th. This was a two-day project that took 6-8 each day to make it happen.
  •  projects.
  • We prepared and served dinners for the Young Life dinner on October 30th. This was a fundraiser for the Wesley 100.
  • We prepared approximately 250 hot dinner bag dinners for the Youth Fall Festival Walk on October 30th.
  • We will make and sell apple pies this year on November 9th and 10th. This will be a fundraiser for the Wesley 100.
  • We made a $200 donation towards Tish Schultise’s retirement love offering.

In Summary

If 15-20 men can accomplish this much, could you imagine what we could do with 100 men? I believe John Wesley was right….100 men who want to serve God could shake things up.

For any men who would like to check us out, we meet the third Saturday of each month in the at 8:30am for breakfast in the dining hall where we have a home breakfast to start our meeting off.  You can ask any member of the group, or the church office, and we’ll get you on the email list. Even if you cannot attend our Saturday meetings, we would love to have you in our group and help on our projects.

Edwin Bass, President of the Wesley 100

336-880-2331/ edwinbass@triad.rr.com

Changing out the mattresses at the local women’s shelter
The Wesley 100 cooking and serving hot dinners at the Fairview Elementary open House.
Chicken Pies 2022
Chicken Pie Sales - December 2024
Shrove Tuesday 2023
Shrove Tuesdays 2023
Shrove Tuesday 2023
Shrove Tuesday 2023