This fall we have some amazing events planned and exciting ways for our students to get connected. Scroll down to see our fall calendar, fall themes and more.
PARENTS - Make sure to download the 2024-2025 Parent Handbook (see red button below). Also, please turn in the 2024-2025 Release and Liability Form. We use one form for trips, outings, etc for the whole year. That's it!
Thanks friends! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Fall 2024 Themes
Wednesday Theme: Good Call (on living wisely)
MS 6:00-7:30, HS 7:00-8:30
4th - Worship Night
11th - Award-winning magician Bryan Saint (as featured on Penn & Teller). 6:30 in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday night kickoff (church-wide)
15th - 2pm Dining Hall - Rise Against Hunger serve - all grades!
18th - Wise people share what God has given them
25th - Wise people follow God’s guidance
Wednesday Theme: Unafraid (on trusting God)
MS 6:00-7:30, HS 7:00-8:30
2nd - God can turn fear into courage
9th - God can turn hurt into hope
16th - God can turn wrongs into rights
23rd - God can turn worry intro trust
20th - SERVE AT FALL TRAIL 4-6pm
30th - Costume Party - all grades together 6-8pm
Wednesday Theme: On Repeat (loving like Jesus)
MS 6:00-7:30, HS 7:00-8:30
6th - Jesus shows us listening is worth repeating
13th - Jesus shows us love is worth repeating
20th - ANNUAL FRIENDSGIVING MEAL: bring a side dish or dessert, we will provide main courses. ALL grades together 6-8pm.
27th - no youth
Wednesday Theme: Remember When (Advent/Christmas)
MS 6:00-7:30, HS 7:00-8:30
4th - Christmas reminds us Jesus is our Savior
11th - Christmas reminds us God can be trusted
15th - Serve at Christmas Drive Thru Experience: be a shepherd, sheep, wise men, etc.
18th - Christmas reminds us to rely on each other
24TH - Christmas Eve Worship services - 5pm Love feast, 8pm Contemporary, 11pm Traditional
WEDNESDAYS - Middle School Midweek Motivation - 6pm-7:30pm
HIGH SCHOOL - 7:00-8:30PM
Both meet in Student Ministry Wing. Dinner provided!
JOIN OUR TEXT LIST for weekly updates - text WMStudents to 94000
Clark Chilton - cchilton@wesleymemorial.org
Kaide Sledge - ksledge@wesleymemorial.org